Chakra healing course, St Kilda | New What's On St Kilda & Southside
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Chakra healing course

Combine a yummy Saturday morning ritual into your weekly pick-me up/ self-care routine.

Combine a yummy saturday morning ritual into your weekly pick-me up/ self-care routine.

We synthesis yoga/ breathwork/ tea ritual/ somatic dance and a little mini chakra workshop to get you understanding this beautiful system that is our energy body.

Chakra's are the most important parts of our governing energy system, and when we are blocked in any of them, we are blocked in many spaces of life.

Your hosts will be:

Caitlin "Sailor" Mcgibbon a Holistic health coach | Yoga teacher

Neha Kumar Facilitator | Meditation | Somatic dance | Yoga teacher

Dulce Rueda Herbal Tea and Ritual host

Each week we will focus on a different chakra, starting with the Muladhara (root) chakra and progressing upwards through the energy centres of the body. This workshop combines meditation, breath work, chakra education, and yoga to create a holistic and enriching experience.

In summary:

The chakra system is an archetypal depiction of individual maturation through seven distinct stages. The chakras are vertically aligned, running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, suggesting that we ascend toward the Divine by gradually mastering the seductive pull of the physical world. At each stage we gain more refined understanding of personal and spiritual power, since each chakra represents a spiritual life-lesson or challenge common to all human beings. As a person masters each chakra, they gain power and self-knowledge that becomes integrated into their spirit, advancing them along the path toward spiritual consciousness in the classic hero's journey.

Week 1: Muladhara (Root Chakra) Saturday 27th June 10am - 12pm

Importance- Stability, grounding, and security

Meditation- Red light and grounding visualisation to connect to the earth

Breath work- Deep belly breathing (Durga pranayama) to ground energy

Yoga Asanas- Back, hip and spine

Closing- Ujjayi breath, retention breath work, and affirmations for stability and security

Week 2: Svadhisthana (Sacral chakra) Saturday 3rd August 10am - 12pm

Special guest: Ayurvedic consultant Dhanya Malandkar

Importance- Creativity, sensual pleasure, emotional balance and relationships Meditation- Creative visualisation to connect with inner joy

Breath work- Pelvic breathing to energise sacral area

Yoga Asanas- Hip opening postures

Closing- Breath work and affirmations for creativity and pleasure

Week 3: Manipura (Solar Plexus) Saturday 10th August 10am - 12pm

Importance: Personal power, confidence, self esteem

Meditation: Yellow light visualisation in the solar plexus

Breath work: Kapalabhati (skull shining breath) to ignite inner fire

Yoga Asanas: Core strengthening Poses

Closing: Breath work and affirmations for confidence and empowerment

Week 4: Anahata (Heart Chakra) Saturday 17th August 10am - 12pm

Special guest: Ayurvedic consultant Dhanya Malandkar

Importance: Love, compassion, and emotional healing

Meditation: Heart-centred meditation to foster love and forgiveness

Breath work: Anahata Pranayama (heart opening)

Yoga Asanas: Heart opening, backbends

Closing: Breath work and affirmation for love and compassion

Week 5: Vishuddha (Throat chakra) Saturday 24th August 10am - 12pm

Importance: Communication, self expression, truth

Meditation: Visualisation of blue light at the throat

Breath work: Ujjayi (ocean breath)

Yoga Asanas: Neck and shoulder stretches

Closing: Breath work and affirmations for clear communication and truth

Week 6: Ajna (Third eye chakra) Saturday 31st August 10am - 12pm

Importance: Intuition, insights, and inner wisdom

Meditation: Third eye visualisation to enhance intuition

Breath work: Nadi Shodhana

Yoga Asanas: Poses stimulating the forehead (forward folds)

Closing: Breath work and affirmations for clarity and insight

Week 7: Sahasrara (Crown chakra) Saturday 20th July 10am - 12pm

Importance: Spiritual connection, enlightenment, and unity

Meditation: Crown chakra visualisation to connect with universal energy

Breath work: Breath of fire (Bastrika) to elevate energy

Yoga Asanas: Inversions and seated meditative poses

Closing: Breath work and affirmations for spiritual connection and enlightenment Final recap: Of all chakras, group discussion on personal experiences or transformations

This workshop will guide you in cultivating a deeper understanding of your body’s energy centres, fostering conscious connections within yourself and with others. Embark on this journey to align your chakras and empower your life.


A$33.08 – A$160

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