9D Breathwork Journey "Awakening" - St Kilda, St Kilda | New What's On St Kilda & Southside
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9D Breathwork Journey "Awakening" - St Kilda

Experience the transformative power of breath in our immersive 9D Breathwork group sessions. www.thebreathcode.com.au

The Awakenin:

For those ready to break free from societal conditioning and external narratives. If you feel confined by these fictions, this journey helps you rediscover your empowered, sovereign, and free self. Transcend the dream spell, shed layers of past burdens and negativity, and reconnect with your authentic self. Rooted in acceptance, gratitude, and courage, The Awakening ignites a personal rebirth, bringing emotional resilience, inner peace, and a life grounded in authenticity.

Experience the extraordinary potential of your breath with our immersive 9D audio journey. This unique experience blends a diverse array of music, sounds, and frequencies meticulously crafted to access the subconscious mind, release trapped emotions, and rewire the brain. A single 9D journey holds the potential for more impactful results than multiple one-on-one therapy sessions. Immediate, lasting transformations may include:

  • Stress reduction
  • Trauma release without verbalising or reliving it
  • Management of grief, depression, anxiety, and other limiting conditions
  • Enhanced focus, concentration, and energy levels
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Emotional resilience
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Reignited zest for life

Whether you're a breathwork novice or seasoned practitioner, this session warmly welcomes all levels of experience. Come as you are, with an open mind and a willingness to explore the transformative power of your breath.

The Nine Dimensions of 9D:

  1. Multi-dimensional Sound Experience: Dive into a world of various frequencies and tones meticulously designed for an immersive auditory journey.
  2. Somatic Breathwork: Harness the power of conscious breath control and awareness, utilizing the body's physical sensations and movements to release emotions and trauma.
  3. Guided Vocal Coaching: Receive expert verbal instructions and cues guiding you through the breathwork practice for a personalized experience.
  4. Solfeggio Frequencies: Immerse yourself in a melodious spectrum of sound frequencies known to enhance various aspects of wellbeing.
  5. 432Hz Harmonic Tuning: Experience the calming and harmonious effects of this specific musical pitch on your body and mind.
  6. Binaural Beats: Delight in the calming harmony created by this musical pitch, promoting a serene state of being.
  7. Isochoric Brainwave Tones: Induce states of relaxation, focus, and altered consciousness with these therapeutic tones.
  8. Subliminal Hypnotic Messages: Encounter messages presented at a subconscious level, influencing thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
  9. Bioacoustic Sound Affects: Sounds produced by living organisms, creating a truly immersive auditory experience.

Contraindications:Please note you can still attend if you have any of the following conditions; just inform us so we can ensure your safety and discuss any necessary additional protocols.· Cardiovascular problems· Abnormally high blood pressure· Chronic respiratory conditions· History of aneurysms, epilepsy, or seizures· Heavy Medications· Severe asthma (for mild or moderate please bring your inhaler)· Severe mental illness· Psychosis, paranoia or bipolar· Osteoporosis· Glaucoma· Recent Surgery· Currently pregnant

Event Refund Policy:Cancellations within 48 hours of the event will not be refunded. This policy ensures efficient event planning and execution. We appreciate your understanding.

COST: $75.43
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