Sound Healing - Vibro Acoustic Sound Bath with Romy, Balaclava | New What's On St Kilda & Southside
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Sound Healing - Vibro Acoustic Sound Bath with Romy

Hear the sounds & feel the vibrations throughout your body in this 'next level' sound and vibration immersion in a candle lit private studio

Would you like to feel the vibrations of sound in your body? This is a next level Sound Bath sensory experience. You will hear the sounds and you will feel the vibrations in your body.

I am a Peter Hess Sound Massage Therapist offering Sound Massage One on One to Clients. I am also a Sound Bath presenter offering group Sound Bath sessions.

This event, held in my studio in St Kilda East combines a Sound Bath experience with an on the body, sound element. You will first be guided through a sound journey led into deep relaxation and then I will gently weave around the room with the therapeutic grade singing bowls placing them upon your solar plexus and belly and playing them. The bowls have a vibro acoustic effect which means low frequency sound waves will gently trickle through your body helping clear blockages and restore your natural flow and balance.

This event offers you the benefits from being in a Sound Bath with the added deeper sensory experience of the therapy of Sound Massage.

They will be played softly in a way that nurtures and soothes your nervous system.

The number of guests in this group is limited to 6 people to provide an intimate experience where you may be able to release, relax deeply.

This event is held in a private studio in St Kilda East (near Lansdowne & Alma Rd). Upon booking, the address will be sent to you via email.

(Please note we can't acccept late arrivals as the sound may have started and it disrupts the group so please try to be on time, or early. The gate will be locked 10 minutes after start time).

All mats, blankets & bolsters are provided. Please bring your own pillow and wear socks.

To get an idea of what the event looks like see my Instagram reels @soulsoundsmassage or visit my website

* I follow the 'Peter Hess' approach of applying sound in a therapeutic way. Peter Hess is a pioneer of Sound work.His institute is in Germany.

Please note: This event is not suitable if you are mobility impaired, if there is a chance you are pregnant, have a pace maker, are experiencing severe asthma, bipolar or schizophrenia.

COST: $75.43
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