Little Earth Dancer, Elwood | New What's On St Kilda & Southside
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Little Earth Dancer

Little Earth Keepers Presents... 
Little Earth Dancer
Learning and growing through Mother Nature's ways…
Little Earth Dancer - Conscious Dance for kids (4-6 year olds) is a 5 part series that has been mindfully created to not just teach children about Mother Nature’s ways but also how mother nature’s ways can teach them so much about themselves too!
During each class children will be invited to learn and embody the wonders (seasons and cycles) of Mother Nature through Dance & Creative Play.
Little Earth Dancer Series Program
  • Week 1 - Little Flower - The journey of the ‘Little Seedling to the Flower’
  • Week 2 - Little Butterfly - The journey of the Little Caterpillar to the Butterfly
  • Week 3 - Rainbow Magic - The making of the Rainbow
  • Week 4 - Little Bird - Celebrating the animal babies of the Spring; before finishing the term with
  • Week 5 - Springtime Celebration
Each class will include:
  • Mindfulness activities to support children to come into the present and establish a greater sense of calm.
  • Acknowledgement of country in a child appropriate and authentic way.
  • Playful warmup/team building games to support children to find their way into connection with themselves and each other, in their own time and tempo.
  • Teachings on Mother Nature's ways through dance and creative art & play (please see program above)
  • Creative sharing circle to conclude each session.
Learning and Development
These classes have been especially designed to support children to learn and grow through Mother Natures ways, providing them with life long resources and tools to support them to;
  • Develop healthy relationships (in their own time and tempo) with themselves, each other and the earth
  • Regulate their emotions and find a deeper sense of calm, as they move through out the day
  • Connect to their authentic self through the wisdom of their own body
  • Build capacity and develop a deeper understanding of themselves through their own sensory system.
  • Enhance imagination and creative expression.
  • Develop their balance, cooridnation and own sense of rhythm.
  • Nurture their own unique gifts and celebrate others along the way
  • Have fun and connect with new friends!
Little Earth Dancers Term Four Class Details
Date: Every Thursday from the 17 October until the 14th of November 2024.
Time: 10.30am - 11.30am
 Elwood Sailing Club
Early Bird Price applies to tickets purchased by 11pm Friday the 5 October 2024.
This is a 5 part series (not sold separately)
T&C Apply

Cost: $140.00

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