Sound Healing Melbourne, New Moon in Libra Eclipse, Ritual and Sound Bath, Balaclava | New What's On St Kilda & Southside
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Sound Healing Melbourne, New Moon in Libra Eclipse, Ritual and Sound Bath

Join us in deep relaxation, soothed by a gentle sound scape within the energy of the New Moon in Libra - Breath, Sound and Fire.

This months New Moon is taking place in the sign of partnership. It's also taking place right next to Mercury, the planet of communication.

This New Moon offers us a second chance to start over again in our relationships through clear, authentic communication.

We will be working with the energy of the New Moon planting seeds and intentions and amplifying them with the help of deep resonant tones & vibrations during this New Moon Ritual & Sound Bath.

You are invited to join us for a New Moon Ritual and Sound Healing that includes Breath, Sound & Fire in an intimate group in a small private studio in St Kilda East to harness the power of this lunation.

It's time to think about what you want in your life and send a message to the Universe. We will use the power of imagination, visualisation and affirmations to manifest the life of your dreams.

We will release the 'Old' together with breath and then with sound - guided through an incredibly soothing therapeutic curated soundscape.

We will expand our heart centre and invite in the 'New' together.

This 1.5 hour New Moon Ritual & Sound Bath is a chance to connect to yourself, to surrender, to release and to set intentions for the next cycle.

What to expect:

We will start our ritual with two short breathing exercises to connect to ourselves and to release tensions. We then set intentions by writing down our hopes and dreams, anything we wish to invite into our lives. (These are not shared with the group - They remain personal, just for you to know). Later we throw these into a fire and watch them burn.

We snuggle down under a blanket, with an eye pillow and bloster and are taken on a deeply relaxing 50 minute Sound Journey. The mesmerising instruments lead you into a trance like state.

The instuments used are therapeutic quality (fair trade) certified by the Peter Hess Insitiute and create clean, clear frequencies that sooth your body and your mind.

Following the Sound Bath you gently wake up and we sip cups of Lemon Myrtle tea together before stepping outside to a small fire pot where we gather in a circle. You are invited, one by one, to throw your papers into the fire. We watch them transform from paper... to flames, to smoke and to ash and float up...and away.....drawn by the strong gravitational pull of the New Moon.

Spaces are limited to 10 guests. Please note this event is held in a private studio in St Kilda East (near Alma Rd). After booking the address will be sent to you via email. The gate will open at 7.15pm and be locked at 7.40pm (to avoid disruption to the group) so please be on time or early.

All mats, blankets & bolsters are provided. Please bring your own pillow and wear warm socks and jumpers (for the fire ceremony).

To see the atmosphere of the space and get a sense of feeling of the session please see reels on my instagram @soulsoundsmassage.

About me: Romy Paltoglou - @soulsoundsmassage

I offer sound in a therapeutic way that focusses specifically on your nervous system. I am a Sound Massage Practitioner and Sound Bath Facilitator trained by the Peter Hess Institute (Germany).

The intention of my sound work is to provide time and space for mental stillness and self-presence allowing brain waves to slow down and the parasympathetic nervous system to activate. When the body and mind are at rest, healing may occur.

For more information visit Instagram: @soulsoundsmassage or *Peter Hess is a pioneer in sound work who has extensively researched the effects of sound on people. His Institute is in Germany.

COST: $59.54
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